Export Report Options

Important: This guide relates to previous versions of the SmartSurvey exporter and does not apply to the current exporter. If you have followed a link to this guide which does not make this clear, please alert whoever gave you that link to update their records. The current guides can be found listed here.

SmartSurvey provides a range of report options within the Export section. This guide shows all of the different options for each report type.

Response Data .csv and .xlsx

Report Name The name of the file - this defaults to CSV Export
Display Respondent Details Choose whether to include the respondent's details (name, email etc) in the export
Display Column Headings in One Row Includes the question headings in a row/s within the exported file
Display Question Codes Displays question numbers instead of question text
Display Answers as Numbers Shows all responses as numerical values (except open-ended text answers)
Display Contact List Custom Columns Displays custom columns if the email was sent using the email tool
Partial Responses Only Excludes complete responses and exports only partial responses
Email Report Sends the report to one or more email addresses
Apply Custom Filter Applies a filter group that you have already created
Export Specific Pages Gives the option to export specific pages only
Select Range Gives the option to export a specific range of responses
Select Translation Choose the translation you want to use for the export if you have used multiple languages


Summary Data .xlsx

Report Name The name of the file - defaults to Summary Data
2D Charts and 3D Charts Choose the format for the charts
Email Report Sends the report to one or more email addresses
Apply Custom Filter Applies a filter group that you have already created


Cross Tab

Report Name The name of the file - defaults to Cross Tab
Question to Compare Allows one question to be selected as a comparison to all other questions
Show in Row and Show in Column Choose whether the data is displayed in rows or columns
Show Values and Show Percentages Gives the option of how data is displayed
2D Charts and 3D Charts Choose the format for the charts
Email Report Sends the report to one or more email addresses
Apply Custom Filter Applies a filter group that you have already created


Individual Responses

Report Name The name of the file - defaults to All Responses
PDF (.pdf) and Word (.doc) Choose the file type for the export
Display Respondent Details Choose whether to include the respondent's details (name, email etc) in the export
Display Unanswered Questions Gives the option of whether to display unanswered questions
Insert Page Break Between Responses Splits responses onto separate pages
Email Report Sends the report to one or more email addresses
Apply Custom Filter Applies a filter group that you have already created

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