Survey Email Reminders

If you used the contact list facility to send the email from within SmartSurvey, then you can send a follow-up reminder. Sending a reminder allows you to contact people you have invited to take a survey who have not yet completed it. This is particularly useful if you have set a deadline for completion.

The reminder email will be sent to any recipients on the mailing list who have not yet completed the survey. Individual recipients cannot be contacted separately. The reminder email will not be sent to any recipients who have been removed from the mailing list after the original survey was sent.

Sending a survey reminder

To send a survey reminder:

  1. Go to the Home page.
  2. Under Libraries, select Address Book.
  3. Click on the name of the contact list you want to use.
  4. Under Actions, select Invitations.
  5. Next to the survey invitation, click View Results.
  6. Click Send Reminder.
  7. Edit the email text and select Next Step.
  8. Choose a Delivery Method, and click Send.

Reminders won't be sent for any email address that logged a bounce for the original invitation send.

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